*Heart is the main part of body.*It is muscular organ.
*Its size is about the size of fist.
*It pumps blood to throughout body by blood vessels.
Human Heart |
Heart is located between two lungs in mediastinum as shown in the figure m
Location of Heart |
Chambers of Heart;
There are four Chambers of Heart.1-Right Atrium
2-Right Ventricle
3-Left Atrium
4-Left Ventricle
Heart Chambers |
Layers Of Heart;
There are three layers of Heart.1-Pericardium
(It has two part parietal pericardium and visceral pericardium)
Layers of Heart |
Valves In Heart;
1-Tricuspid Valve2-Bicuspid Valve
3-Semilunar valves
4-Aortic valves
Valves of Heart |
Coronary Artery;
The Artery which supply blood heart itself is called coronary artery.Types Of Coronary Artery:
1-Left Coronary Artery;
The Artery which supply blood to the left part of heart is called left coronary artery.2-Right Coronary Artery;
The Artery which supply blood to the right partof heart is called right coronary artery.Coronary Artery |